The first item on my 2009 list of goals was to begin a blog. My plan was to illustrate and document, with photographs, drawings and watercolours, the natural world that I discover on my daily walks and further afield. I thought I would write a bit, but not too much, letting the images reveal my vision. I have discovered that my life long love of lanes, vacant lots, fields and waysides has endured and grown even stronger. I have discovered that while at times tempted and at times feeling negligent, I really don't want to draw pretty flowers and I won't. But I think weeds and wisps are pretty so I guess I do draw them after all. Just no roses, or azaleas or rhododendrons or......
I find it funny to look through the archives, fifteen posts in the months of January, February and March, ten posts for the next three months, seven in the next two, five in the following three and only one so far this month. LIfe can be art but it can also get in the way of art at times – more life, less art seems to be the rule. I like to think that life and art are one but that is not always the case, at least it isn't for me.
Although this was a year's project I have decided to continue. I have a lot of ideas and am looking forward to the new year. I plan to document and write about more of what I love, not only nature but other things that make me smile.
I have chosen to post the first photograph that I posted last January. I was new to photography then and I can clearly remember the thrill of being able to capture what I was seeing and feeling.
I would like to thank all of you who have found this blog and had a look, and to those who have become followers and have left comments, a special thank you. Susan