Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Signs of Spring - A Birds Nest

I discovered this nest in the autumn so technically it is not a sign of spring but the nests I've seen recently are very active places so this will have to do...an empty nest but perhaps last years fledglings are now busily feeding their newly hatched families in a new nest.
I like to think so.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Beverly Beach, Oregon

At the risk of turning this into a Travel Blog I am going to continue with my Red Letter Day. The campsite was in a rainforest, a walk to the beach revealed a completely different world of sand and water and rocks and shells guarded by a row of trees.
This is the place that I wanted to be.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Beverly Beach, Oregon

My Red Letter Day continued with the discovery of
sand patterns in a tidal stream leading to the sea.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Red Letter Day

These are days of special significance for me. They are invariably comprised of being in a place that I love, whether newly discovered or reassuringly familiar. On a recent camping trip to the Oregon coast I experienced such a day.